Hydrogel implant for enabling cartilage recovery

Hy2Care hydrogel

The CartRevive® hydrogel implant has been developed for functional recovery of cartilage defects in joints. The hydrogel is based on joint-tissue mimicking natural polymers; it aims to protect the injured site and is intended to facilitate natural repair.

Millions of people suffer from traumatic cartilage defects following a (sports) accident, slip or fall. They want a fast healing, to get rid of the pain and return to full activity. An optimal repair of these defects is also essential to prevent the onset of post-traumatic osteoarthritis (OA), which could cause many years of chronic pain and immobility.

The unique composition of Hy2Care’s CartRevive® hydrogel implant creates a natural scaffold for the patient’s own cells to reside in and deposit new cartilage matrix, enabling the body to heal itself.

About our technology

Sanne's Story

Sanne Both is co-founder of Hy2Care®. She is also an unfortunate experience-expert regarding cartilage defects. Sanne’s story is exemplary for the reason that Hy2Care® exists – a motivation not just for herself, yet for our entire team!

Read Sanne's story

"My own experience motivated me to develop the ultimate solution for cartilage repair."

About us

Hy2Care® is a ‘spin-off company’ of the Tech Med Centre of the University of Twente, the Netherlands and was founded in 2014. Of the original founders, prof. Marcel Karperien and dr. Sanne Both continue to be involved.

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Hy2Care® works actively together with a number of partners: